Welcome visitors!

If you have come to this site to register for an event and are not a member of the EDO Community, most events do not require community membership for registration. 

If you have registered for an event at some time in the past, are a member of the clergy, serve on a Vestry or BAC, or are/have been involved in diocesan leadership, you are probably a registered user and just don't know it. 

Active participation in this site is not fully implemented at this time but will begin rolling out soon. The first group of members to be activated will be the clergy. Look for an email informing you of your ability to log on.

Whether you find you are already a member or not, we encourage you to activate your participation in this part of our ministry when you receive your login information. This site, as it grows, is where you will find connections to leadership groups, volunteer organizations, and community events like workshops and trainings. 

So, click on the "Community Pages" link and sign yourself in as soon as you receive your account activation notice.